Archive for February, 2012

Jet Grind Radio HD confirmed

Posted: February 29, 2012 by Tim Utley in News and Updates
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JET SET RADIO!!!!  That’s right folks Jet Grind Radio and all the funk that accompanies it will be rolling out to XBLA and PSN this summer in glorious HD.  Sega had announced this last week and confirmed it this week so all JGR fans can rejoice.  JGR is one of my favorite games of all time so I am really excited for this game to hit both marketplaces (HD+Trophies/Achievements+Already Awesome= More Awesome).  The game is said to have the same amazing soundtrack and will have new graffiti for players to perform all over Neo-Tokyo in this HD release.  If you missed this game on the Dreamcast definitely check it out for your system of choice.  Also if you were part of the majority that didn’t like or wanted something different from Sega’s last Dreamcast effort this generation (the DC Collection) support this game when it releases and get Sega to bring more of our favorite titles to the current gen systems (or completely new iterations).  Keep your eyes out for Jet Grind Radio come summer time and as always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

With smartphones being as pervasive as they are I rarely think about how far phones have come in the past 10 years not only in terms of technology, but their capabilities for gaming.  You now have your Android, iOS, Black Berry and even (*cough*) Palm platforms for gaming, which offer a variety of content, but that wasn’t always the case.  Gaming on a cell phone was something people rarely did, not because it took some extraordinary ability, it just wasn’t enjoyable.  That’s right at one point in time gaming on a cell phone absolutely sucked.  The games were beyond primitive and bordered on having completely useless existences.  They were simply a menu option, which speaks volumes (no pun intended).  The purveyors of such worthless gaming devices included but were not limited to the folks over at Nokia.  For the purpose of this article I will target two devices in particular that had gaming capabilities, one that should have held off in the gaming department and one that shouldn’t have ever been created.  I don’t want to keep you guessing so let’s move forward.

The Nokia 3360

The first device pictured above was a device that I personally owned and is none other than the Nokia 3360.  Don’t get me wrong this was a great cell phone.  It always had great reception and texting was as easy as it could be on a basic phone, but for gaming it was pretty awful.  Many of you will remember the game Snake as it appeared on many Nokia phones and crept its way on to some Ti-86 graphing calculators (useless fact alert, remember Block Dude?).  This was one of two games that were playable on the device and really showed off the power of the phone’s monochrome display.  You might call it the Angry Birds of the late 90s early 2000s (reference made in terms of popularity not quality).  Anyways the other game was a version of brick out, brickle, bricks or whatever the hell it was called.  That game was boring as shit too and rounded out the awful offerings on the device.  You may think I am being too harsh on the device, but it was capable of more and I am simply holding it accountable for that (take off the nostalgia goggles people).  But enough of this Nokia 3360 jive; let us move onto public enemy number one the Nokia N-Gage.

One person is reaching out for another person because they are jumping off a bridge for buying the N-Gage

The dedicated handheld business was still booming and the immense success of the Game Boy Advance apparently had Nokia thinking that if they combined a cell phone and a gaming platform they would have a gold mine on their hands.  Wow were they f##king wrong.  I own the N-Gage (taco design) and as a gaming platform it couldn’t have had a more cumbersome design.  Everything from the controls down to switching games was downright awful.  You had to remove the back panel of the system to change games, which let’s be honest was a pretty terrible design choice.  Mobile gaming is supposed to be convenient and nothing about the N-Gage was such.  Most of the games being released on the N-Gage also had console counterparts that were far superior to say the least (Splinter Cell, SSX).  I know that is the case with most handheld devices, but the N-Gage was positioning itself as being more than a handheld and didn’t deliver.  The only thing N-Gage had going for it was its graphics which to be fair weren’t bad, but it doesn’t matter how good your games looks when they play like road kill.  If you want to say the N-Gage was ahead of its time you are entitled to think such, but one thing that will forever remain important is quality, which the N-Gage was severely lacking.  When cell phone developers are designing new phones they should have an N-Gage framed in carbonite next to them reminding them of what not to do.  For some freak chance that is happening somewhere in the world we owe some sort of thank you the Nokia N-Gage for taking that bullet of atrociousness.

Those who have been gaming on phones for years understand my pain and for those of you who are just getting into it consider yourself privileged.  Gaming on a cellular platform has made tremendous strides in the past 10 years and let’s hope that nothing derails that progress.  Nokia is making Windows phones now which have a great gaming platform on it (Xbox Live Woot! Woot!) So don’t fret.  You have heard my two cents about retro cell phone gaming, but I want to hear what you think.  Do you think I am being far too critical because of device limitations or are you in agreement with me?  Are you an N-Gage loyalist and wish to challenge me to a duel?  Did you think Snake was the best thing since Pong and I need to stop talking shit?  Sound off in the comments section and give us your two cents.  As always you can follow me on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

In today’s day and age quantifying success comes down to how a product performs commercially and how it performs critically.  When it comes to hardware however, success is usually quantified by sheer amount of units sold.  You can have a system with lots of great games (a la Dreamcast), but if it doesn’t perform well at retail it will be met with an untimely demise.  One thing about Sony hardware launches that had remained perpetual until now was with every launch a Ridge Racer game accompanied it [in the USA, forgetting about Japan for right now].  The PS Vita is the first system that Sony has released stateside that does not have Ridge Racer game available at launch.  The Ridge Racer that is already out in Japan will not release in the USA until June of this year.  While my hypothesis may be extremely wild in nature I still believe it should receive some examination.  So I ask propose the question; does having a Ridge Racer title at launch equal success for Sony?

A true classic

Listed below I have gathered some statistics which seemed to be the most accurate ones I could find, but I will disclaim right now that they might not be 100% accurate, so don’t be too harsh on me if they are wrong or slightly different.  But for the purpose of this small study they will give us a basis for analysis and possibly uncover either a fruitful or painful future for the PS Vita.

Could this be the Vita's saving grace?

Sony hardware launches in the USA with estimated sales figures to date (all regions)

  • Sony Playstation (1995) – 102 million
  • Sony Playstation 2 (2000) – 150 million
  • Sony PSP (Playstation Portable) (2005) – 68 million
  • Sony Playstation 3 (2006) – 55 million
  • Sony PS Vita (2012) – ??? (we will say not great yet)

Ridge Racer games launched with Sony hardware in the USA

  • Sony Playstation – Ridge Racer (1995)
  • Sony Playstation 2 – Ridge Racer V (2000)
  • Sony PSP – Ridge Racer (not the original) (2005)
  • Sony Playstation 3 – Ridge Racer VII (2006)
  • Sony PS Vita – ??? (Ridge Racer isn’t coming until June in USA) (2012)

By looking at the numbers, each Sony hardware release that has had a Ridge Racer at launch has performed well at retail (some better than others).  I will not come out and say that Ridge Racer is the sole catalyzing factor for said success, but I believe it stems beyond pure coincidence.  The Ridge games themselves haven’t evolved much over the years, but maybe that offers some level of comfort to those who decide to purchase a system at launch.  You know what you are getting when you buy a Ridge Racer title and I know when I invest a significant amount of money into a hardware purchase I don’t want to take risks with software that might not meet my expectations.  Every Ridge Racer game that I have purchased with new Sony hardware showcases the system in an alluring dimension and that could be another mitigating factor for hardware success.  I know when a new piece of hardware is being talked about Sony or not I wonder if it is going to have a Ridge Racer game available at launch.  Most systems in fact have Ridge games available at launch and go on to be successful (Xbox 360, Nintendo DS etc.).  Purchase decisions have always been a great topic in the world of psychology, because our own individual psychologies determine how we justify spending any amount of money.

For instance when you go to any store; let’s say a GameStop and you are looking to purchase a new system.  You want to be sold on the features, value and also the software that is available for that platform.  Most of us don’t like taking risks and with the lofty prices attached to hardware no one can blame you for searching for comfort.  Maybe subconsciously Ridge Racer offers that comfort.  It may sound crazy, but if you know that a piece of hardware has a familiar title on it, that in return offers comfort.  That is mainly the reason why many system launches have similar software as their predecessors; to offer comfort before you branch out into newer software.  Easing into a new piece of hardware or any product for that matter makes consumers more apt to attain comfort faster and branch out into different properties faster.  Could Ridge Racer be the underlying success for the game industry as a whole?  I’ll admit that is going a little too far, but it certainly will have you thinking about it for at least the rest of this day.

So will the PS Vita perform well stateside sans a Ridge Racer title [for at least the next 4 months]?  I do hope so.  I think that dedicated handheld systems are a sacred part of the industry and if they are willing to adapt to the current landscape of mobile gaming they will be able to compete.  The coming months will be interesting for the PS Vita and hopefully come June that Ridge Racer title will “launch” it to unimaginable heights.  So what do you think about my hypothesis?  Do you think I am insane and should seek a shrink?  Or do you think that there is possibly some validity to this and should be further researched?  Let us know by sounding off in the comments section and as always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

The PS Vita launches today in North America and I know more than a few people who are clamoring to get their hands on the units they preordered.  Sony’s marketing has picked up substantially for the Vita in the past few weeks, albeit having some very ambiguous commercials that really don’t highlight anything about the system’s capabilities (the GAMECHANGER campaign).  Besides the marketing for the system going into overdrive, deals for the system have followed suit.  Almost every retailer that is selling the Vita is offering some kind of deal either on the hardware, accompanying software or both.  I know Sony constructed their own “Launch” bundle that included and 8 GB memory card, one month of 3G access from AT&T and a free PSN game for $299.99 (the standard price of the 3G/WiFi model).  Those three additional items amount to a $55 value which is nothing to sneeze at (that is almost two Vita games).  While Sony won’t come out and say that they are worried about the poor sales in Japan, this bundling incentive was absolutely constructed to make the system more appealing at launch.

For those of you not familiar with the “Ambassador” program, it was an initiative from Nintendo to appease early adopters who felt cheated when Nintendo dropped the price of the 3DS $80 six months after it launched in March of last year.  Nintendo offered a bunch of free content to members of the program that was available through the Nintendo E-Shop, but I feel Sony is taking opposite approach.  Sony won’t drop the price of the system because it will cost them too much money up front and it will inadvertently show weakness and lack of confidence in their product, both of which are bad things.  In addition to hardware bundles many retailers are offering deals on the software including buy 2 get 1 free deals and other discounted software on day one.  I have no doubt that this has been initiated to stimulate sales of not only software available at launch, but also the hardware.  Attach ratios are huge for retailers because the ones that sell more units per transaction are given preference when it comes to restocking inventory.  Offering the value day one is a great strategy Sony is undertaking and I think the consumer will appreciate it, rather than having to wait several months to get content which is how Nintendo handled it.

I have gone on record saying that I really want a Vita (probably the 3G/WiFi model), but can’t afford one now, but Sony is making it very difficult for those who want and can afford one to say no at launch.  The deals being offered now will likely resurface at some time, but it takes a little bit of the sting out of purchasing at launch when you have such great offers on the table.  I have high hopes for the Vita in North America and I hope it exceeds everyone’s expectations and with this “preemptive Ambassador” initiative I think more people will be inclined to purchase now rather than later.  The Vita will more than likely be dominating the gaming airwaves for the coming weeks and we will do our best to offer what coverage we can, but in the meantime let us know what you think about the Vita by sounding off in the comments section.  As always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

Mass Effect 3 is not that far out at this point and the goodies keep on rolling in.  We were first given an awesome demo that showcased a few missions in the game as well as some of the multiplayer components and now we have been given one of the prettiest and most awesome CG trailers ever made.  It originally aired last night during the newest episode of The Walking Dead, but if you missed it you can enjoy it now right here at TGA.  Enjoy the trailer and as always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

By now anyone who plays games or follows them knows about the setbacks that have fallen upon Team ICO’s latest project The Last Guardian.  In a recent article on Kotaku, Shuhei Yoshida, the president of Sony Worldwide studios, said that Ueda, the game’s director, for better or worse is making the game tough to develop.  For those who played Team ICO’s previous two gamesm, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, know that they are very polished and enjoyable games, but for each game’s respective length is the development cycle a little too drawn out?  On the most recent episode of Podcast Beyond (227) the Beyond crew (Colin Moriarty, Ryan Clements, Greg Miller) discussed this hot topic in the Sony world and how other studios are pumping out games faster that Team ICO and with almost the same pedigree in the quality department.  So this got me thinking about the topic a little more and decided to do a little research and I’d like to share it with all of you to give you some context to the absurdity of The Last Guardian’s development time.

Assuming that The Last Guardian went into development either concurrently or immediately after Shadow of the Colossus’s release it has almost been in development for 7 years (2005 – present).  So with that information I took to the internet to track down some facts about other studios and found out how many games have been released within other internal Sony studios in the same general time frame.  I warn you that these statistics may be alarming so approach the following with caution.

After looking at some (not all) of Sony’s internal studios I generated a list of games that came out after 2005 from each respective studio and then did some basic addition to derive a number that is borderline upsetting for Team ICO.  Since 2005 the studios I will list below (with games) have developed and released 45 games to Team ICO’s 1 that is still in development.  Like I said a couple sentences ago that isn’t all the games or studios so that number is far larger in the grand scheme of things, but 45 is still nothing to sneeze at.

Most of Sony (not all)

Average score for Most of Sony – 83.26

[Updated: Added available Metacritic scores and averaged them per developer and as a whole]

  • Naughty Dog – average score – 88
    • Jak X: Combat Racing – (2005) – 76
    • Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (2007) – 88
    • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009) – 96
    • Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (2011) – 92
  • Guerilla Games (just Sony Properties) – average score – 84
    • Killzone Liberation (PSP) – (2006) – 77
    • Killzone 2 – (2009) – 91
    • Killzone 3 – (2011) – 84
  • Santa Monica Studios (Internally developed) – average score – 93
    • God of War – (2005) – 94
    • God of War 2 – (2007) – 93
    • God of War 3 – (2010) – 92
  • Insomniac Games – average score – 82.3
    • Ratchet: Deadlocked – (2005) – 81
    • Resistance: Fall of Man – (2006) – 86
    • Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction – (2007) – 89
    • Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty – (2008) – 76
    • Resistance 2 – (2008) – 87
    • Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time – (2009) – 87
    • Resistance 3 – (2011) – 83
    • Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One – (2011) – 70
  •  Sony Bend Studios – average score – 83.25
    • Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror – (2006) – 87
    • Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow – (2007) – 85
    • Syphon Filter: Combat Ops – (2007) – n/a
    • Resistance: Retribution – (2009) – 81
    • Uncharted: Golden Abyss – (2012) – 80
  • Sony San Diego (Internally Developed) – average score – 74.3
    • All the MLB: The Shows (PS3 versions only besides 2006)
      • MLB 06: The Show (2006) (PS2) – 83
      • MLB 07: The Show (2007) – 77
      • MLB 08: The Show (2008) – 85
      • MLB 09: The Show (2009) – 90
      • MLB 10: The Show (2010) – 91
      • MLB 11: The Show (2011) – 90
      • MLB 12: The Show (2012) – n/a
    • All the NBAs (Sony NBA) (PS3 versions only besides 2006 and 2009)
      • NBA 06 (2005) (PSP) – 72
      • NBA 06 (2005) (PS2) – 63
      • NBA 07 (2006) – 63
      • NBA 08 (2007) – 63
      • NBA 09 (2008) – 63
      • NBA 10 (PSP only) (2009) – 69
    • ModNation Racers – (2010) – 82
    • Sports Champions – (2010) – 76
    • Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest – (2011) – 61
    • ModNation Racers: Road Trip – (2012) – 61
  • Polyphony Digital – average score – 78
    • Tourist Trophy – (2006) – 74
    • Gran Turismo HD – (2006) – n/a
    • Gran Turismo 5 Prologue – (2007) – 80
    • Gran Turismo PSP – (2009) – 74
    • Gran Turismo 5 – (2010) – 84

Team ICO – average score – 91

  • Shadow of the Colossus – (2005) – 91
  • The Last Guardian – (???)

There is no doubt that Fumito Ueda, the former leader of Team ICO, is a brilliant and talented video game developer, but that brilliance and talent needs to be coupled with focus and compliance.  Other studios within Sony’s umbrella have been creating and releasing games much faster than Team ICO and have been incredible (i.e. the Uncharted series).  Another thing the Beyond Crew pointed out is that this team has been getting paid for 6 going on 7 years and hasn’t even finished one product.  Name any other studio, besides Polyphony Digital, the makers of Gran Turismo, which would be given that kind of leniency in regards to development time.  Most publishers would have shit canned Team ICO if they took as long as they are taking currently.  This also begs the question does Sony give preferential treatment to Team ICO/Studio Japan for reasons outside of an industrial context?  Would Naughty Dog be given the same pass if they wanted to take another 5 years to develop The Last of Us (I sincerely hope not)?  We could speculate all day about the answer to that question, but we will save that for another day.  This will continue to be a hot topic in the world of video games until some ground is broke on The Last Guardian.  Until definitive information is disseminated down to us about a release date and any developmental resolutions, it will all continue to just be conjecture.  So what do you all think about this?  Do you think Team ICO needs to get their asses in gear and finish up the game or should they be allowed to take their sweet time to give us their “vision” of the game?  Sound off in the comments section and as always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

As a final disclaimer I want to play the hell out of The Last Guardian.  Also I give my consent for this article and research to be used on other sites/blogs.  I want this research to be continued and more detailed.  The numbers were provided via Metacritic.  I was given inspiration for this research by the Podcast Beyond crew from IGN which is comprised of Colin Moriarty, Ryan Clements and Greg Miller.  So a thank you for them is in order as well.

When I turned my Xbox 360 on this morning I was prompted for an update.  Unless something huge is being rolled out updates usually don’t make headlines, so I really didn’t think anything of it.  This update almost went under the radar until I went to search for some new indie games and noticed the layout had changed.  This kind of threw me for a loop and for a moment I thought I was searching in the wrong area of the dashboard.  After careful examination I realized that the infamous “Game Type” button had been removed and that Arcade, Indie, and Games on Demand each had their own dedicated buttons within the Games Marketplace.

Say goodbye to this and the Game Type button that preceded it

A celebration is in order because that was one of my biggest beefs with last fall’s dashboard update.  Finding downloadable games became so layered that prior to today it made finding new games a bit cumbersome, but not impossible.  I also remember a slight uproar in the Indie developing community because the search ability for indie games was buried a few levels deep.  Well worry no more you unsung heroes of video game development because your games are now easily accessible within the games marketplace.  I think that everyone will be pleased by this slight adjustment to the games marketplace and it will make future browsing much more accessible.  We think this update works well, but maybe you might have already gotten used to the previous build.  If so sound off in the comments section and let us know what you think and as always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

I was on the phone with a close friend when I heard the front door open. Assuming it was one of my roommates, I dismissed it and continued my conversation. I heard something fall (which later turned out to be our Menorah), but still paid it no mind. I was busy and it was nothing.  Half an hour later, I was leaving the house with one of my aforementioned roommates, and noticed a game case sitting on the floor.

“Seriously,” I thought. “Can we not make sure the games get put back properly?”

I then glanced to our mantel to see where the game had come from and my heart dropped. Every single piece of our gaming collection was gone. I frantically looked to our TV stand, where I saw that my backwards compatible, original 60gb PS3 was missing, and our Xbox 360 yanked from its home, sitting in the middle of the living room. Wires were everywhere.

“We’ve been robbed,” I said quietly.

We were devastated. We had been violated, our home had been violated, and our video games had all been taken from us. This was wrong, and unfair.
Disparaged, we left on our errands – the show must go on, right? In the couple of minutes it took to leave and get to my Jeep, I could do nothing but mourn our loss. But then it hit me.

I scrambled for my phone, and called one of my old stores. I lucked out – an old friend was current manager-on-duty.

“Have you gotten an old 60 gig PS3 and a whole ton of games in trade today?”

He was quiet a moment… “What were the games?”

I began rambling off a list of titles, to which he responded, “I’m doing it right now. Get here, quick.”  I hung up the phone, whipped into reverse, and was off.

After hopping a curb to grab a parking spot, my roomie and I sprinted into the store. We had already called ahead to mall security, and they were waiting for us as we came to a stop, panting in front of the red and white sign.  As it turned out, they didn’t have the authority to arrest anyone, and so they were on guard outside so they could follow the culprits if need be. I left my roommate as he was calling the cops, and nonchalantly entered the store.

My friend was nowhere to be seen – I was informed by the other guy working that he’d gone into the back to look for some cords. This was GameStop speak for he was standing in the back room killing time. I went and knocked, and was greeted by a hushed “I’ve been stalling back here for you. It’s the couple at the counter.”

I whispered, “the cops have been called,” and we both made our way back into the store.

My friend proceeded to stall like I’ve never seen anyone stall before. For more than forty-five minutes, he used such tactics as “the computer made an error,” “I can’t seem to find that cord you gave me,” and “oh boy, I think I might have missed one of the games, let me check on that.” It was marvelous.

About halfway through, the man turned to me and asked, “do I know you? You look familiar.”

For a split second, I froze, but then responded, “you know, I have one of those faces. I don’t actually think we’ve met.”  He seemed content with that answer, and turned back to his transaction.

By the end of the trade, both and he the girl who accompanied him (who was 24, but looked like she was 35) were almost yelling at my friend that they needed to leave. Apparently, he had a job to get to. So my friend finished the transaction, gave them their money, and they left with my PS3 still in tow (you can’t trade a system without the cords, which they managed to leave behind.) Mall Security followed.

After a few minutes of waiting (and still no actual policeman in sight), Mall Security returned with a black backpack. They told us that after following them to the bus stop, one officer had said “that bag is stolen, I suggest you hand it over.” The woman immediately dropped the bag and they both bolted. Security bravely tried to chase them down, but to no avail. Luckily, you have to give a license in order to trade at a GameStop, so all the information we needed was already on file.

We stuck around for ten minutes more, to see if any police decided to come round, but none did. And after an hour of waiting, we decided just to call from home. We thanked the mall security and my friend, shook some hands, and left.

So I’d say there are a couple morals to this story:
1. Never steal video games from a GameStop employee.
2. Mall Security is often more helpful than the real cops, and almost always nicer.
3. If you’re going to steal a bunch of stuff, don’t immediately try to pawn it at the nearest location.

He was stupid enough to steal, but good enough to get away with it. Unfortunately for him, I’m rather clever, and really like my video games.

The XBLA House Party has kicked off and the first game on the table is none other than Warp.  When I first heard about Warp I am not going to lie it looked like an isometric clone of Portal.  While it shares some similar sentiments in regards to “warping” Warp stands on its own stubby little black legs.

Warp is a crossbreed between a platformer, action and puzzle game and puts you in the role of Zero an alien who unknowingly becomes the victim of a research experiment in a secret underwater facility.  Seeing how I have only played the trial version of this game I do not have much more information about the narrative, but what I can tell you is that this game isn’t one you should pass up.

Zero is initially put through some silly tests which serve as an interactive tutorial for you learning the controls (which are painfully easy).  Then Zero stumbles across what looks like to be a giant magenta booger with honeycombs in it and without the slightest hesitation shoves it down his hole.  I say hole because doesn’t have any discernible mouth or receptacle for nutrition.  Anyways; after Zero eats said giant magenta booger things get interesting real quick because shortly after his snack he becomes reacquainted with a donut shaped octagon that gives him the ability to warp (no way!!).  This event puts the lab into frenzy with alarms and all other manners of security implementations to stop Zero from escaping.  Lucky for you they fail miserably and this is where the trial really kicks off.

From here on out you have rudimentary access to Zero’s powers, but what they highlight in the demo will either turn you into one of two players.  One that will be stealthy and avoid turrets, guards and scientists or the polar opposite and be a blood thirsty alien hell bent on killing everyone and everything (I choose the later).  The way you kill people is what’s most interesting and you can probably deduce what I will say next.  You “warp” into a suspecting or unsuspecting enemy’s body and gyrate the analog stick until the host explodes (done with objects too), spilling entrails and blood everywhere (remember how Neo jumped into Agent Smith and he jiggled around then exploded, nearly identical).  Also that is why this game isn’t cute (just for clarification purposes).  This binary approach also gives you the opportunity to mix it up a little bit if you so choose.  Well you might be wondering about some other details so let me fill you in on those real quick.

Warp has a great visual style utilizing the Unreal Engine so you get a sleek looking game that didn’t glitch or hiccup at all during my time with the trial.  The sound effects were not anything too incredible, but nothing about the audio diminished the experience either, so that’s good right?  The controls like I said earlier were painfully easy to grasp and once you unlock more abilities I don’t see the controls becoming an issue, so another check for Warp in the awesome department.  In addition to the main quest of the trial it gives you a small taste of the challenge rooms that are in the full version.  These are time based objectives that I can only assume will vary from point to point rooms and fragging enemies in an allotted amount of time (the two ones in the trial, I’m sure there is more variety, so don’t fret).  Overall Warp is a solid downloadable experience that for either 800 MSP or $10 will surely keep you entertained until you have gotten your money’s worth.  Warp is available for both XBLA and PSN so give it a spin and let us know what you think about it in the comments section.  As always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.

I played the trial of Warp on XBLA for approximately 35 minutes.  The game is available on XBLA for 800 MSP and the PSN for $10.

While I’ll be the first to admit that my grammar isn’t infallible, Capcom’s recent grammatical flop on the box art for Resident Evil Revelations is a massive screw up and who knows how much it is costing the company, but I digress.  For those of you who are unaware of this error, Capcom sent out their entire first run of RE Revelations with the subtitle misprinted on the spine of the case (Revelaitons instead of Revelations).

Kind of dropped the ball on this one

It wasn’t misspelled by accident in the jacket or somewhere in the fine print on the back, it was done on the f—king spine.  While this is most unfortunate for Capcom and they said they would issue out corrected box art for those who purchased it at launch, early purchasers might have a collector’s item on their hands.

Maybe it got lost in translation

After having heard about this mistake and having received my copy of Revelations with misprinted box art and all I took to the interwebs to see if there was a demand for this flawed version.  Surprisingly enough Amazon doesn’t have it in stock for immediate purchase (2-5 week backorder) and it has been listed on Ebay anywhere from the MSRP of $39.99 in to lofty prices exceeding $100.

Even though early purchasers got a misprint on their case’s box art, they inadvertently received a collector’s item.  I am personally unaware of how many of these misprinted versions are floating around, but regardless it is something collectors or fans of the franchise can hold as something unique (for better or worse).  If any of you hear any buzz about this version or come across any cool stats feel free to share them in the comments section.  As always you can follow us on Twitter @GamersAbstract and like us on Facebook for more content.