Archive for the ‘Weekly Roundup’ Category

Weekly Roundup 5/15/2011

Posted: May 15, 2011 by Tim Utley in Weekly Roundup
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Sorry that I haven’t been doing these like I said I would.  It’s not that I haven’t read anything interesting it just comes down to time constraints.  So this week I have had some extra time so I am spending it sending some good stuff your way.  Without further adieu check out some stuff I found interesting this week.

8 Bit Shadow of the Colossus

This little bit on Kotaku was very cool.  The artist has some original Game Boy mock ups of what Shadow of the Colossus would look like on the classic platform.  So definitely check this out as it won’t consume much of your time at all.

Square Enix is Hurting

This article was something that I saw coming, but I decided to share it regardless.  This article touches upon how mega Japanese Publisher/Developer Square Enix isn’t performing to the standards that they have been accustomed to for many years.  The article also touches upon how Western Developers/Publishers are gaining ground in the industry.  If you are interested in the business side of gaming check this one out.

FEAR 3’s New Multiplayer Mode

This new mode in FEAR 3 is pretty self explanatory because it is being called “Fucking Run”.  Check it out, it is nice to see fresh ideas in multiplayer gaming these days.

Alright folks that is it for this week.  I want to do this every week, but If I can’t I apologize in advance and as always you can follow me on Twitter @GamersAbstract and on Facebook.

A New Feature

Posted: April 17, 2011 by Tim Utley in Weekly Roundup
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I am always trying to think of new stuff to do for The Gamer’s Abstract and the newest feature I would like to add might not be the most imaginative or original, but I think it will add more substance to my blog.  This new feature will be called the Weekly Roundup (original name I know).  I read and see a lot of great stuff on the web over the course of a week and sometimes I don’t get a chance to write anything new because of my schedule.  I feel with doing this it is a win-win for everyone, because you still visit my site and I give you something to entertain you.  I will still be writing my own material, but there is a wealth of great content produced each week by other writers and editors that I feel warrants attention as well.  So I will attempt to bring it all here for you.

With the Weekly Roundup I will post links to the material with a brief description of what you will be reading or watching, so If you are not interested you don’t waste your time.  I am not going to rank what I read and there will not be a set number each week, but there will be something each week so stay tuned for the first roundup…Does right now sound good to you?  Here is a mini preview of what will be in store for future installments.

Weekly Roundup

Resident Evil Lover

This is actually a video of a girl’s obsession/humongous collection of all things Resident Evil (I thought I had a lot, this girl puts me to shame).  She has everything ranging from clothing to other obscure merchandise that is associated with Resident Evil.  If you dig Resident Evil, check her video out, you will be impressed.

Rebecca Black “Friday” on GBC

If you have gone on the internet in the past month or have a pulse you have heard of Rebecca Black and her incredibly annoying song “Friday”.  There have been multiple parodies of this song (one of which I was a part of), but none that have gone to these lengths.  The video is a Game Boy Color representation of the music video.  It is really funny, but only if you have seen the original music video.  You can find the music video on YouTube so check that out before viewing this if you are interested.

Simulating the 2011 NBA Playoffs with Shitty 90’s console games

I think the title say’s it all.  No lengthy explanation needed here.  All I will say is that it involves Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball.  Enough said, go check out this really funny article I saw on Kotaku (not a Kotaku work though, another blogger like myself) .

Alright folks, that is a small preview of what I will attempt to do every week for you.  I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more.  Also follow me on Twitter @GamersAbstract and on Facebook for more of me.